Monday, July 18, 2011

Doctor wants to talk to my mom about bloodwork results?

Ok so I'm 16 years old. I just got blood work done because I had a swollen throat gland that wasn't decreasing in size. My doctor left a voicemail to my mom saying that she would like to talk to her about the bloodwork, but she said there were no issues. i have been sexually active with protection and there are no stds but i was wondering if my doctor said that if there were no issues, could it be pregnancy or something along those lines? I'm worried out of my mind, but if she said there were no issues, then I don't know what it could be. Do you think it could be something bad like pregnancy, or since she said there were 'no issues' that it could be something simplier? Thanks

Should I Drop Mark Reynolds?

I'm in a roto league and David Wright is my other 3B. I'm in need of RBI's but this guy is killing me right now. Should I drop him?


I am only 13. :( I know that breast cancer tumors are usually really small ... like a pea or a grape. But mine are big and they seem as if its just 1 big one in each breast. Both breasts seem to have the same structure and form of the lump. I am still going through puberty, so could it be the milk glands developing? Never had any history of breast cancer in my family. How long should they last and will they ever go away?

Is my dog pregnant??

Ok so, my dog has had 1 litter and then her daughter had a litter with the dad, I know weird, anyways the dad died and we got rid of the daughter so now we 3 little dogs and 1 big dog and we thought if any of them got prego it would be our small female but I think the big female is pregnant, and like I said she's had a litter before but that was over a year ago and I just squeezed a teet to see if she was because she was acting weird and milk came out so I don't know but her last pregnancy was over a year ago! PLEASE HELP!

I need someone to translate this voicemail from spanish to english PLEASE.....?

My boyfriend called me by accident, and i heard him talking to a couple of women, it was in spanish so i couldn't understand it....could someone call me and i'll let you hear it and tell me what they were talking phone number is is monday the 27th at 1:30 me now if u name is angie

My cat is sick i need answers from people who knows about cats/animals?

my cat gave birth like 1 or two months ago i don't remember exactly when.anyways my cat gave birth to 1 kitten and that kitten came out healthy.the kitten been drinking milk from the cat. i gave that kitten to my brother because the cat is already grown.anyways i gave the cat to my brother 2 days ago and just today i noticed on the mother that the area were the kitten was drinking milk is like hard i mean like it looks swollen i don't know exactly.does anyone knows what is that?i am scared because that never happen to the cat i need to take the cat to the animal hospital or something?is it serious?and please if you know about animals please answer.

How should I quit Chase?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!?

I started Chase on June 15th and I found the job so boring and repetitive. I did all of the training the 1st day and had nothing to do the rest of the days because they had me sit in a room for 8 hours because the additional training wasn't uploaded yet. Anyway I got a job offer from best buy and just started orientation today but I like it way better because I love technology an there are many ways to win prizes plus the employee discount. So I am supposed to start my third week at chase on mon. but I don't even want to go over there. How should I quit chase should I just call them and leave a voicemail or wait till Monday and speak to someone? Also would I still get paid even though I quit and worked 40 hours? Any advice would be appreciated.

How do you know if someone blocked your number?

I've been trying to talk to my best friend brandie ._. I'm not sure if she blocked my number or not, last Time I talked to her she seemed sorta mad at me...I'm not sure if she blocked my number or not, when i try to call her it goes straight to voicemail and when I text he it says message has been sent. How do I know if she blocked my number or if her phones just off?

How is Matt Holliday beating Matt Kemp in all star votes?

See, this is a prime example of why fans shouldn't be allowed to vote. Remember, folks, the All-Star Game decides home field advantage in the World Series, so to deny a guy who has produced superior numbers in almost 100 more at-bats of a starting All-Star selection is not only an injustice, but will prove detrimental to the NL's chances in said game. I think they should allow the fans to vote to an extent, but not in such a capacity where they have complete control over every starter. This is why Yankees, Red Sox and Phillies players, even if they're not having good years, are ALWAYS in the top 5 to top 10 for All Star votes.

Does this shock anyone else?

That's certainly nice to see for Neil Walker. He has done well in a stretch of games that dates back to last year. He could very well be a star

Stressed and breastfeeding I cant eat an cant make milk?

Things are going on at home that are pretty serious and i am breastfeeding my 3 month old. She isnt getting milk. Im concerned that when she does it is detoxing my body fats to her cause i cant eat.

Was this guy just joking me? Have I really been so stupid to believe he's interested?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him last night and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think he was just joking me all the time?

Is Paul Konerko getting better with age he is beastin right now?

He's always been underrated but I don't think he's ever been this good, either. That swing of his. Those of us who are old enough to remember know that THE home run swing was Rocky Colavito's. God, it just LOOKED like a home run swing. Pauly's swing is as good as Rocky's, and that's saying a lot.

If i work do i have a chance for the big leagues?

Those stats are solid, but it is a very small sample size. It is impossible to say right now if you can make the big leagues. Based on those stats, it sounds like you have talent and a decent concept of the game with the number of walks and stolen bases. However, to play in the minor leagues, you will have to work exceptionally hard. This includes play summer and fall baseball with strong teams. Check in your are and see what teams you can work with this summer and fall. You also need to practice daily on all aspects of your game. There are so many great athletes in the country that you have to work extremely hard to become a professional in any sport.

I have gotten very bad looks for nursing my baby in public? Does this happen to you often?

With my first daughter i have never gotten any rude looks or rude comments, i breastfed her until she was 16months when she then self weaned. I have 8month old twins who i breastfed and i pump and yesterday when me and my husband went to the mall we let our 4yo play at the play place and while he bottle fed(the pumped milk) to one of the girls and i breastfed the other. This women came up to me and made the comment that my baby was WAY to big to still be breastfeeding and either way it should be done at home. I was pretty insulted to be honest. I wasn't all out in the open about it. Does other breastfeeding mother has or have had this problem? Is this just common?

I'm 35 and I recently met a young man (22) from a Craisglist ad to simply be friends with benefits.?

We met and clicked right away...and had amazing sex...We also did things as friends that didn't involve sex...We only met 3 times and it seemed as if we were heading in a good friendship direction. We made plans to hang out again. He said he "would love to" and he "looked forward" to seeing me again. We made the plans on a Monday for the next night. So when Tuesday night came around I texted him to see if we were still on and since then he never answered me back. I sent a couple more text messages asking why he was ignoring me and if I did anything wrong... and left one voicemail telling him I would leave him alone but to be a man and out of common courtesy tell me what happened. I stopped contacting him after that as I didn't want to seem needy, but I am just so freaking curious about what happened. I want to know what could be the possible reasons he just started ignoring me on the night we were suppose to hang out again. We were only friends and he has a ton of other female friends. I never once gave the impression I wanted something more from him and in fact told him I didn't. So if someone, perhaps a man, can tell me the reasons and if 1. I should just leave him alone and 2. Will he eventually contact me again I would appreciate it.

Need help with my 3rd base position?

Right now i have polanco filling in there cause my original guy was zimmerman, i was thinking about liking up jhonny peralta, peralta has been hot of late, but polanco has a better average, i was also thinking tht polanco would get better rbi's cause of the team he plays for but not sure, so was just seeing some other opinions, should i pick up peralta or keep polanco

What qualities in Pisces do Virgos find attractive?

because you're both opposites he might be ''attracted'' to as why you're so emotionally unstable basically because Virgos are not like that. I think Virgos like how caring and kind Pisces are. Virgos and Pisces sometimes clash like you said but sometimes it works if both compromise and accept each other the way they are. Virgos could learn from Pisces how to open up more and be less detached while Pisces need to toughen up and be more logical. They could create a nice balance of logic and emotion. If not, oposite signs can also bring the worst out in each other. No matter how much forgiving you do, Virgos don't come around until they're ready. You could use this time to think about what you like and don't like about him.Virgo and Pisces have a very challenging relationship as you already know. Just be yourself because i'm pretty sure that's why he likes you in the first place and Virgos appreciate that. I hope this helped :)

CarGo for Ichiro Trade Help?

It depends Ichiro is obviously a great player but he only puts up hits, runs, SB, K, AVG and OPS and CarGO puts up R, H,HR, RBI, OPS and AVG so what would you rather have someone who puts up a lot of hits and SB or RBI and HR, take a look in which Categories you are not doing so well in im gonna assume its HR and RBI becuase you have Rollins and Ethier who are having very good seasons so far

Did i eat enough today?

If you are trying to gain weight you need to add a milkshake, some sugary snacks like cookies or cupcakes, and drink whole milk instead of 1% or skim. Don't spend the money on the weight watcher brand, instead choose the fattening kind. Oh, and don't exercise so much. Add some regular soda to your diet, too. That has LOTS of sugar in it and will help you gain weight.

Pregnant ; diarrhea, stomache cramps , cant keep milk down?

okay the tightness in the chest is probably due to the baby pushing on your organs sometimes this makes you breathless but if you have been told you may have pre eclampsia then call the midwife NOW you cant take any risks with this as it can be very dangerous the stomach cramps if they are low down may indicate the baby is heading down into the placenta as i am 32 weeks and my baby has been very low down since week 30 and in measuring 34 weeks but just call to get checked so that you don't worry

Is "" a scam?

I can't find much relevant information on them save for a terms and conditions page that doesn't give any contact information. The full website doesn't load and the phone number leads to a generic voicemail.

Can NBFC collect money from public without registering under RBI,SEBI or IRDA?Since some companies are doing?

Most of the companies are collecting money from the public without registration under RBI or SEBI in pretext of handsome return.Million people have deposited in such institutions.Will the Govt or RBI band them or rectify the existing regulation?

Why do race car drivers celebrate with milk?

I thought they celebrate with Campaign, maybe times are getting tough or maybe Mormon racer Freddie Spencer (Tee total) set a trend?

Why do i get pain that seems intestinal after i eat crunchy nut bites?

with or without milk i get the same pain, i have noticed it with a few other cereals as well, im wondering could this be an intolerance to an ingredient? why would the pain be intestinal, surely if this was the case, the pain would be in my stomach near the solar plexus?? thanks

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Am I acting too eager/ available for him?

We've met 3 times and I told him I'd like to be friends to get to know each other and see. Anyhow, the last time we went out was a week ago for a coffee. It went really well. He had done most of the calling and iniciating of contact, except after the second date, I texted him to thank him. Anyhow, this time he told me to call him and we'd get together to do something soon. So 2 days after that coffee I called and left a voicemail. When I didn't hear back, 2 days later I messaged him and asked if he got the message. He replied immediately that he didn't and asked if something had happened. So he called that night and I invited him to a concert on Sunday. He told me he couldn't go this weekend due to sports fixtures (he's on a team). Then he said that this weekend we would do something together and I said 'ok, you call me as you're the busier person at the moment!' (He has a very busy job). So I put the ball back in his court. Am I too eager and available? He's reserved and I don't want to frighten him off but still want to show him I'm attracted to him. By the way, he said that we could go to a concert another time and that he'd like to do a salsa class with me (my hobby).

I just dont understand WHY!?

My boyfriend of almost three years is recently acting weird. He's being really really really nice. I know thats not a bad thing but things that bothered him last week hes fine with now... Also he's been constantly high which he does when he cant deal with stuff. Lastly last night his phone rang and I handed it to him (we live together) then he declined the phone call when I asked who it was he told me it was his friend A.J (which is normal) except when I went to send a text(mine was dead) his text voicemail (which is on the same page as textin impossible not to see when texting I wasnt snooping) said that it was just his doctor confirming their yearly check up for tomorrow... so what i dont get is whats all this weird behaviour for hes acting overly nice and is lying about weird things... any help would be appreciated ! :D

Baby wont take more than 3-4oz?

My son is 18 weeks and since birth he wont take more than 3-4oz per feed. He wakes up twice in the night for feeding becuase of not taking as much as he needs in the day. Its wearing me out as im on about 4-5 hours of sleep a night and I have a 4yr old daughter as well to look after. I just CANNOT get any more milk in him when he feeds during the day.

Am I acting too eager/ available for him?

We've met 3 times and I told him I'd like to be friends to get to know each other and see. Anyhow, the last time we went out was a week ago for a coffee. It went really well. He had done most of the calling and iniciating of contact, except after the second date, I texted him to thank him. Anyhow, this time he told me to call him and we'd get together to do something soon. So 2 days after that coffee I called and left a voicemail. When I didn't hear back, 2 days later I messaged him and asked if he got the message. He replied immediately that he didn't and asked if something had happened. So he called that night and I invited him to a concert on Sunday. He told me he couldn't go this weekend due to sports fixtures (he's on a team). Then he said that this weekend we would do something together and I said 'ok, you call me as you're the busier person at the moment!' (He has a very busy job). So I put the ball back in his court. Am I too eager and available? He's reserved and I don't want to frighten him off but still want to show him I'm attracted to him. By the way, he said that we could go to a concert another time and that he'd like to do a salsa class with me (my hobby).

Baseball Substance Abuse and your thoughts.?

ruth and aarons accomplishments will never be topped, because both did what they did during "dead" or even "normal" ball eras vice the live ball era, and they did what they did in much bigger ball parks than what hitters play in today. steroids have tainted baseball, to a point where a guy like jose bautista cant adjust his swing and become the best power hitter in baseball without a shadow covering him. i dont think bautista is juicing, but that is benefit of a doubt at this point. there is no true way to gauge what was to what is, all i know is that baseball is making a comeback, and it is on the shoulders of the pitchers that are performing at the level they were in the days of hank aaron. steroids may have made their mark, but that mark is fading

Are there any nude scenes that involve wet and messy?

Messy substances can include whipped cream, mud, shaving foam, custard, baked beans, ice cream, pudding, chocolate sauce, peanut butter, Japanese-style lotion, paint, oil or gunge/slime, cake batter etc. A subject will often be pelted with cream pies, slimed or sit on cakes. Wet substances are mainly water but can also include other liquids such as fruit juice, milk or alcohol (usually beer).

Raising Capital for Individualistic Ventures?

What instruments (private) are available for Individual entrepreneur's to raise funding per their circumstances per a financial specification/offer document that accommodates their circumstances and the nature of their Venture within India from Investors across the world in INR/other currency denominations. Pls provide reference to pertinent RBI Rules/Notifications in this context.

Doctor wants to talk to my mom about bloodwork results?

Ok so I'm 16 years old. I just got blood work done because I had a swollen throat gland that wasn't decreasing in size. My doctor left a voicemail to my mom saying that she would like to talk to her about the bloodwork, but she said there were no issues. i have been sexually active with protection and there are no stds but i was wondering if my doctor said that if there were no issues, could it be pregnancy or something along those lines? I'm worried out of my mind, but if she said there were no issues, then I don't know what it could be. Do you think it could be something bad like pregnancy, or since she said there were 'no issues' that it could be something simplier? Thanks

My friend lies... can you help me decipher the truth?

She is a drama queen and compulsive liar. I have an aunt who's the same way. Why are you even friends with her?

Corn snake or Milk snake?

Im most likely going to get a snake soon and I just want to here some opinions on experienced snake owners of which snake is better to get out of the two and please list why and/or ups and downs about it.

I got screwed over what should i do?

honestly....ya..u got screwed over....but in all seriousness..just be there for her when she needs let her call u and vent to you about her sucky day/her relationship that way when her and her bf break up...u will have been there for her and she will remember that even when "she was stupid" that u were her friend and that should score some brownie points

If you dont breastfeed does your milk just not come in?

if you choose not to breastfeed, do your breasts just stay the same as they were during pregnancy, as milk wouldnt come in? obviously they will go down but they wouldnt get any bigger would they?

Ireally need advice so pleaseee helpp?

ohkay so me and my bf were talking on the phone and all of the sudden "click" so i start to call him back and it kept oing straight to voicemail and one of the times it just playd his voice mails :( so stupid me lestend to them low and behold a voice mail starts to play " i dont know how u can say u never loved me....theres 5 dollers on my bed it must of fell out if your pocet, so ya bye" the voice kim his ex girlfriend that has been trying to get him back so i lestiend to the time date and who it was from and yea it was her how do i know cus when it was saying the number of the caller it said 808....... blah blah well ysh she has a huwii number and i know cus she wsed yo csll me all the time! and i confrinted my bf and he got pissed and was like thats privet si i said i dont keep anything privet...who should be more mad him or i and what should u do.....

Who to drop for Freddie Freeman?

I would pick up Freeman or Calos Pena.But I guess I would go with Freeman.He has a little less rbi's and home runs,but he has a better average.If Pena comes around I would pick him up. Right now, I would go with Freeman.I wouldn't pick up Mark Hamilton. You really don't know if he will do good.

How does my food sound?

i don't believe food makes sound, even though you do seem to have added cups to the mix..i guess you can make sound

How to get rid of black heads on your nose?

I've been through face masks, to pore strips, face creams provided for black heads, and they show no improvements. My face is pretty clear and clean with the expectation of the black heads i have showing on my nose. I know that it's from applying make-up and lotion to my face, i know it blocks out the oil thus getting it stuck in my pores allowing the black head to be born. I just want to know how to get rid of them. I hear jello with milk may work? I've been to the stores nothing is working. So if any girls have some home make-up tips and secretes help a girl out.??

Koodo vs Rogers, which Blackberry phone plan is better?

I'm like you and I don't like contracts either. So, for that reason I would go with koodo. Prices will only drop in the next couple of years and the last thing you want is to be locked into a contract and pay higher prices. I would get the 9300 from koodo. They also have a plan called 'Stay Social' for $40 that does include 300 anytime minutes (and they charge per second, so it's even better), unlimited messaging (text and picture), unlimited incoming calls, a social add-on (you can facebook, twitter, messenger etc). Their evenings also start earlier, so you get free evenings and weekends starting at 7pm.

Did he do what i think he did because of me(guys)??? girls also lol please help and read! much appreciated!?

Sounds to me like he is sick of you "accidentally" calling him or he got a better deal with a different phone carrier. One way or the other you still carry deep feelings for him or you wouldn't be writing this stupid question.

Does coffee/caffeine affect menstrual period cramps?

I usually hardly ever get cramps, and when I do, they are bearable. I never really drink coffee either. I got my period last night, and this morning I had a coffee with a little milk and one sugar. Now. all day I have been experiencing the worst cramps the point I feel like I am going to vomit and I am just in the worst pain. Is this because I drank coffee? What can I do?

Was he just playing me by asking me to call? Should I send another message or just forget him?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him last night and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think he was just joking me all the time?

Carlos Delagado Hall of Fame?

Do you think Carlos Delgado deserves to go into the hall of fame? My personal opinion is that he should. He put up amazing numbers;30 homers and 100 rbi seasons. He hit four homeruns in one game in 2003. He was a candidate for MVP in multiple years but lost to a juiced Alex Rodriguez one year and finished second in the voting. He is a great player lost in the steroid era and i think he deserves it more than anyone.

Fantasy Baseball trade evaluation?

I would rather have Team A. Cano is a stud, and so is Hanley Ramirez, even if he hasn't been showing it so far. Look at his career numbers if you need any more evidence. An interesting tidbit, even though Hanley has been playing poorly by his standards, and has been on the DL lately, he is still ranked 256 overall on Yahoo even though he's missed some time. Ranking 256 as a shortstop isn't bad by any means since it is a scarce position. Pedroia has been injured the whole season since his collision with JJ Hardy (we are just now learning of it), and now he will probably be going on the DL soon. Doesn't look good for him. Tomlin doesn't have much effect on the decision since he has been pitching poorly as of late and is coming back to Earth.

Baseball question regarding RBI on Fielder's Choice please answer...?

If there are 0 or 1 outs bases loaded and the batter hits it to short he throws to second (6-4) and gets 1 out and runned on third scores, is the batter credited with an RBI on the Fielder's choice?

Comment on my 2011 MLB fantasy leauge team (8 teams in division)?

Your lineup is good, but if you need HRs, Runs and RBIs put in a guy who hits homeruns, Ludwick has been hitting a bunch of Hrs lately and he could help you there. You are missing that one ace that brings you a solid performance every time. Pick up anibal sanchez and if he is already on a team, trade for him, he is amazing

Should I wait for him PLEAASE HELP?

why do you call him? text him or just go talk to him. if you still want him then go ******* get him! lol

Adrian Gonzalez or Jose Bautista?

They have both had phenominal years so far. But, I would have to give the edge to Gonzalez. That BA is unbelievable to see. He has a lot more RBIs which means he's getting the runs in as getting on base. He is also not too far off from Bautista's home runs. Bautista has a long way to go RBI wise and BA wise to catch him, two categories Gonzalez is leading this season. Gonzalez has been the AL MVP thus far, Bautista isn't too far behind, but I don't see him catching Gonzalez.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What dessert can i make with milk flavord cocoa powder and no sugar?

I'm not sure, but unless your talking that someone who is diabetic (and even then they can eat some fruit) I'd get a very sweet fruit or something to balance out the taste because I've tasted powdered cocoa yuck soooo bitter.

Why did this happen after having my child?

Well, your milk did come in, that's why the size went from a 34DD, up to whatever size they were during/after pregnancy, back down to a 34DD. The spaciness of your boobs and the lack of cleavage is probably the result of having larger boobs at one point. You could get a push-up bra for cleavage, and eventually surgery (if it realllllly needs to come to that) But after having children, a woman's breasts will never look or feel the same as pre-child.

Boyfriend doesnt want to have sex?

I would say he has found a new woman at work and after sex with her, he just doesn't have the energy to keep you happy too.

Has a lead-off hitter ever led his team in RBI?

I was watching the Mariners-Tigers game earlier and I heard that Ichiro is currently tied for the team lead in RBI this year. Seems a little strange and I was just wondering if any lead-off man has ever finished the season with the most RBI on his team.

How can P.M. of India can sanction 450 crores to Afghan Govt., when Bhopal People needs more Funds rather than?

Govt. Policy like that, what you are telling is coorrect the opposition party by now might have asked questions. So there is a reason in paying amount to afganistan.

How tall will I be when im finished growing?

I'm14 and 5'10.5 and am Mexican-American my dad is 5'11 and my mom is 5'8, and my diet is pretty much lots of protein and calcium (I like meat alot ☺) (Also drink lots of milk) and my cousin is half polish and half mexican and is about 6'8 but his dad is 5'10 i think and my aunt is about 5'6 could this also happen to me?

Why aren't people talking about Jose Bautista being the best player in baseball?

Because he isn't LOL. Look what Ulbado did for the first half of the season o( last year), and then look what he did after.....

Is this too forward to ask a guy friend I am attracted to?

We've known each other 8 months and have gone out four times. At the start I told him I was looking for a friend ( I had a long relationship which hurt me when it ended). Anyhow, we lost touch for months as his mother was very ill, then we got back in contact and he told me he'd like to meet me. When I forgot to reply to him he sent me a text 'you didn't reply? don't you want to meet?' So we did meet last Monday for a coffee and had a great time for a couple of hours. I left that meeting realising that I now have feelings for him. He said to me I was welcome to stay at his place for a night or two (as there are problems with the house I'm staying in). I joked 'and where would I sleep?' He said 'on the sofa!', Anyhow, I've been to his place before and he was very respectful and gentlemanly. He asked me to call him which I did on Wednesday night, left a voicemail to call me when he can and I still havn't heard from him. I was thinking of texting him and inviting him to a concert being given my a friend of mine on Sunday. Do you think this would be too forward as he hasn't got back to me yet?

Trapped muscle 10 points it's hurting real bad?

Ok so I work out a lot.On tread-mill etc.I am after trapping a muscle.It's pains me to walk and to even's my left calf that is worse right is not as bad.I drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of bananas.So I have enough potassium.I also drink a lot of water while working out.I work out nearly every day.How can I make the muscle be released? Will I have to go to a doctor? how long will it take? And how long should I wait before working out again? I will be giving 10 points please answers :) thanks again ps I'm 16

What's the easiest way to disable the voicemail on my cell phone?

I have an LG Banter through U.S. Cellular. Not the touch screen one, the older model. I would prefer not having to contact U.S. Cellular, but to be able to disable the voicemail on my own. What is the easiest way to disable the voicemail on my phone? (So that when people call, they won't have the option of leaving me a verbal message)

I'm heart broken please help?

I suggest you schedule an appointment with a therapist. They get paid by the hour to listen to stuff like this...

Trade Matt Holliday FOR Tommy Hanson?

While I do think you need pitching help, Holliday is much more valuable than any of those pitchers. If you insist on making the trade, Hanson has the most upside. Considering you have 14 teams in your league, your team's not all that bad. I would probably pass on making a trade at this point and stay current on the latest pitching hot streaks, closer changes, etc. That's what I do and I blog about it so my followers can make the same pickups as me.

Why didn't he reply to me?

he has moved on with his life and does not anything to do with u. isn't that clear enough? why do u keep bothering him?

My friend is in an abusive relationship and I don't know how to help her?

Tell her mother everything that has happened, she may dislike you at first, but in the long run it will help her. If you are worried that Alex is a danger to the public, talk to her mum, your friend and his dad if you should call the police or a therapist. Most of all you should try and be supportive, i understand it is difficult as you have already tried to over a year. If it gets any worse i would go straight to the police, or one day it could end badly. You need to show your friend what can happen if something does happen, she doesn't want to end up in hospital, so encourage her to see what will happen if she stays.

What should I do after an inconclusive phone interview?

I sent a cover letter and resume into a dental clinic a week ago to be a dental assistant. I really want to be a dentist. The manager called me and left me a voicemail yesterday saying that she would like to discuss some options with me. I called back and talked to her today--I thought it was going to be phone interview, but I didn't really have to talk about myself at all. She asked me how many hours I could work, about my education, and told me that I could start off my volunteering and shadowing which may become a job later. I said that the offer sounded great and she told me she would talk to the dentists and other staff in the back and call me to arrange an interview and tour. I thought it would be a 20 minute -1hour wait but she hasn't called me yet and I doubt she's going to call me by the end of today. I feel like this conversation is a bit inconclusive and it's killing me...what step should I take next if she doesn't call in the next three days? Is she rejecting me nicely or could she be busy/occupied?

I got a call from a weird number 1-855-249-3979?

When I call back it's a weird voicemail loop that just asks for your personal information. Has anyone else received this cryptic calls, before I turn them in I was hoping for more information.

Anyone knows about

I want to know about whether it is connected with RBI or No. Or any one please provide link or website about its legal validity in India.

Should I tell him I'm pregnant even though he's ignoring me?

You're as much of an idiot as he is. He's a slut going around clubbing. You're going to be a murderer.

Did I totally screw this up w/contacting nightmare bridesmaid?

Normally the shop owners call the bridesmaid to inform them that their dress is in. Have them do it. Or her brother can take over for you.

I really need advice i foud somthing on my boyfriends phone guys and girls plzzzzzz help?

ohkay so me and my bf were talking on the phone and all of the sudden "click" so start to call him back and it kept oing straight to voicemail and one of the times straight to voicemail and one of the times it just playd his voice mails :( so stupid me lestend to them low and behold a voicemail starts to play " i dont know how u can say u never loved me....theres 5 dollers on my bed it must of fell out if your poccet, so ya bye" the voice was kim his ex girlfriend that has been trying to get him back so i lestiend to the time date and who it was from and yea it was her how do i know cus when it was saying the number of the caller it said 808....... blah blah well yea she has a huwii number and i know cus she used to call me all the time! and i confrinted my bf and he got pissed and was like thats privet so i said i dont keep anything privet form you, you know everything.....who should be more mad him or i and what should u do....could he posibly be cheating

Diarrhea for 3 days now 31 weeks pregnant?

I've had diarrhea for 3 days now. I have no other symptoms. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and on modified bed rest for preterm labor. I have had contractions on and off but nothing too serious. I do not feel sick to my stomach and I am not running a fever. I am not lactose intolerant and do not change my cats litter box. I am 25% effaced but not dilated. The baby has been moving perfectly fine. I went to my ob office yesterday and I am in perfect health according to the midwife. I have increase mucous like discharge but my water has not broken. The baby is engaged. Am I getting ready to go into labor? Also, I was bottling my leaking colostrum since I think it'd be stupid to let it go to waste and giving to my toddler who is 21 months old (I have been just sitting with a bottle underneath my nipples to catch it I have not expressed it) but now it turned from yellow to clearish white so my actually breast milk is coming in. Is this labor? I was induced with my first so I don't know what the signs of labor are. OB office doesn't seem too concerned.

If I have been bleeding for over two months straight with a heavy flow should I see a doctor?

I called my doctor to tell her that the birth control she prescribed me was making my period like non stop like a month ago, and she told me that I should keep taking it, because it just takes a while for my body to get used to it. Well now it has been over three months, and I have not stopped having my period and it is an incredibly heavy flow. I am seriously going through 2 big boxes of tampons a week. I have to change my tampon every 45 minutes. I called my doctor to tell her that I am going to stop taking the birth control and I told her all that was going on and that I had been feeling sick and light headed all the time. I get a voicemail from her today saying, "oh well maybe that birth control just doesn't work for you, so I prescribed you to a different birth control so I canceled your appointment, because there is no point for you to come in." Really? Another birth control? Is that really healthy for me right now considering what is happening to me right now? What are your thoughts?

My 6 month old has me up in the night every 2 hours HELP?

My baby use to sleep from 7pm until 1am, have a bottle at 1am then sleep until 7am which was not bad at all. Now for the past 2 weeks he's been waking up every 2 hours. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of. His usual bedtime is 7.30pm so I've tried putting him to bed a bit later, I've bathed him before bed every night with lavender oils, I've tried to feed him up as much in the day as I can. I've tried to keep him active as much as I can during the day, I even bought a baby bouncer jumperoo to see if that would tire him out, he uses that A LOT and is sooo active but still wakes up during the night. I've taken him for walks just before bed. I've put him on hungry milk, I've put him on goodnight milk. He barely even naps in the day and if he does its for like 10-20 minutes at a time, he just has sooo much energy!! It seems like when he does wake up in the night that he's not even hungry, he will just have 1oz of milk then go back to sleep, but will not go back to sleep until he's had that 1oz. He spits him dummy out and refuses to have that instead of milk. The room temperature's right for him and everything, his diet is fine, he has a rusk and milk before bed to ensure he's settled and full. I just don't no what to do anymore. I' am completely destroyed, and there's never a break for me as my partner works a lot and its difficult to get a babysitter. PLEASE HELP? I will appreciate and take any ideas on bored! Thank you :)

Am I eating enough nutritionally?

When reading your question I was thinking "this sounds great, nice and healthy...wait a minute...where's dinner???' There's a whole meal missing! I guarantee you are not getting sufficient nutrients or energy with this diet. Continue with this but add in a dinner thats high in protein (beans/pulses/eggs) with a good source of complex carbohydrates (brown rice/wholemeal pasta etc) and you will be ok.

Should I drop anyone to pick up Anibal Sanchez? Are any of my pitchers worth dropping?

I would dump Gordon Beckham and pick up Sanchez for sure. Your hitters are strong and you can def afford to lose Beckham and gain a solid pitcher. You will see way more fantasy value at the end of the day with Sanchez.

Can a women ever shoot her breast milk at a police officer and be justified?

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My two year old drinking habit?

My 2 year old still drinks his milk from a sippy cup; which im trying to cut him off. The weird thing is that he HAS to be touching my arm while he drinks. He'll follow me around the house to do it too. I did nurse him for a year. Do you think that's why he does it?

Medical advise please?

I have a back injury from a car accident a couple of years ago. Pain is shooting through my knees down to my ankles. I do drink a lot of mountain dew, wild cherry pepsi and pepsi like 5 cans a day. I don't drink milk or water much, and I eat once a day because I am so broke I can not afford much food. Most of my money goes the mortage. Why is my knees and ankles hurting so bad?

MyTouch 4g Voicemail Issue?

On the top it says I have a voicemail , however when I call my voicemail it says you have no new messages. What can I do to remove that thing on top? Thanks

What is the reason for this lack of communication?

He has a girlfriend and it would be uncomfortable to be talking/texting with you while she is sitting right there or else he is uncomfortable with maintaining a close relationship with you and her at the same time.

Will Jose Bautista have a shot at the American League MVP?

I keep up with baseball on a daily and yearly basis. I seem to always make good predictions but they are just that.. Predictions. But every year.. There's always a player that tears it up the first couple of months and then cools down. Nothing against jose bautista.. But he will not win the mvp. Two reasons.. First, although he is hitting for a high average now.. That's not his thing. He's a homerun/rbi guy. But the main reason is that he's not on a winning team. People don't like to lean towards this reasoning but look at history. I think Andre Dawson is the only player to win MVP from a losing team. And since the blue jays are in a stacked division that will most likely produce a world series caliber team like yankees/red sox/rays... The blue jays will most likely finish fourth in that division. And since the american league is already stacked with stars that have similar numbers to him but on winning teams.. Those players will get more votes. Look at last year.. Josh Hamilton won it.. I think miguel cabrera should have.. And if the tigers had a better year.. He might have. And votto won the national league.. Again.. Great stats.. But comparable to puljos and cargo's.. But reds made playoffs.. Rockies and cards didn't. So winning is a factor. I just don't think he will do it.

Do I deserve to be on All-Stars? My stats:?

Yes with just those statistics, you do deserve it, but, if this is a multi team all star game, you need to be at least the second best catcher, what's your Glove to second base time? Picking off runners at second base is the skill coaches look at.

A clarification to my question "Bases loaded one out" one hour ago. The order of the putouts is the following:?

Pitcher to 1st base and then to 2nd. Does the run count? And if it counts, does the batter gets an RBI?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Im so confused:/ What do i do?

ok so i have been dating this guy for a ouple of months, hes everything i have ever wnated except one thing.. and to be honest i dont know what it is. When we first met he asked me for my number and i gave it to him, then we started hanging out and he always wanted to talk and text. So he was kinda benig annoying but then i really started liking him. Well he is not originally from here, he moved here to be with this girl he was dating a while ago. Well we started hanging out more and more. and then we got a hotel together bc i live with my parents and he lives with her so we couldnt hang out with each other. He didnt try to do anything with me when we layed in the bed or anything. He knew i was cold the first night so he cuddled with me and he cuddled with me for a few days, and i made the first move.He had court one day, and he left at 7:30 in the morning and his court time was at 9:30. But he was gone all day. So he texted me from his phone pretending to be his brother and told me that he had gotten locked up and all kinds of things, i knew it was him bc i knew how he texted. But i played along and he asked me how i felt about him, and i told him then i told him that i knew it was him the whole time. So then we started dating and he has a hard time trusting people so he didnt open up. And he would just randomly not come back to the hotel, and he would tell me he was going to his brothers to do laundry. I believed him, until i found out his brother had moved to a diff city 4 days before. Well he bought me flowers and a card, and apologized for lieing. And these werent cheap flowers. So i thought he was sserious that time, well he did it again but didnt say he was going to his brothers he told me straight up he was going to that girls house, but he lives there. Theres no where else for him to go where im at bc all his family lives in a dif state. Si i understand he had to go back there sometimes so she didnt kick him out and he would have no where to go. But then he started opening up to me.. and everything but then the other night we were texting and he said that he missed me, and he wanted to hear my voice, and loved me. so i said call me and he said he was tired. so i didnt text him bac bc i went upstairs to do something and my phone was downstairs, and he had texted me twice and was like y are you mad and i said im not mad was just doing something, then i said i just dont understand y you wouldnt call someone if you missed them, and he said ok i will call you in a min when i get up out of bed and i said ok. he never called or texted me.. so we were suppose to go do something together today, and i woke up had no texts or missed calls from him. so i called him went straight to voicemail, 30 mins later i call him it rings but no answer. so for the rest of the day it went straight to voicemail, then i called him a hr ago and it rang but no answer.. its so weird and im so confused!!! sorry bout how long it is just had to get my point across so you would understand.. but someone tell me whats going on what should i think or do.. am i overreacting??

Unlocked Blackberry phone (Verizon to ATT) problems with voicemail?

I just got a Blackberry 9650(Verizon) from craigslist and I unlocked it for the ATT network. I can receive texts and calls and everything but when I try to go to my voicemail, it calls the girl I bought it from. Where can I change this? Please help (:

Do you think that if i really wanted too i could play for the Pittsburgh Pirates?

If you're really this bored, suggest you read a book(!) about baseball and then come back with an intelligent question. Thanks for respecting my opinion. ;)

I just called my ex in left her a voicemail i called private tho...?

i called my ex girlfriend we have been broken up for 5 months and i left her a voicemail but i called private what should i do text her or call her tomar to ask her what she wanna do i just wonder what should i do i need advice

How to not be nervous when calling girl?

just chill for a minute then just call her up and say hey then afttr she says hey be like watsup.... then aftr she ansr ask her out or watevr then just talk about wat comes up....if u ask her out and she says she cntt or no just be like o ok maybe some other time. then just finish out the conversation. if she dosnt ansr dnt leave a loong message or just dnt leave one at all... it would help maybe if u textd her and be lyk r u busy... if she dnt ansr ur txt just chill. shes prolly busy

How to deal with your boyfriend being gone?

My boyfriend was unemployed for a year of our relationship...finally he found a good job a few months ago.My boyfriend works ALL the time and he works difficult hours. He works over time all the time and works super late at night so half the time he ends up staying at his really good friends house that he works with because his friend lives right down the street from his work whereas he lives a good 30-40 min away from his job. Basically its been hard getting used to him not being around as much as he used to be, we agreed that the two days a week he has off of work are "our" days together. yes its been hard only seeing him twice a week but when we do see eachother its something that we both realllllly look forward to and we do really fun stuff when we spend time together. Well....we finally started getting into the groove of his work schedule but yesterday he was over at my house and he got a voicemail from another job. My boyfriend then explained to me that his friend/co-worker that he goes home with after work sometimes has a friend that needs work done to his boat and needs the wood and a bunch of stuff re-done on the boat and wants my boyfriend and his friend to help re-store the boat. The only upsides to this job is that he'll be making GOOD money and that this retsoring the boat job is only going to be a 3 month project max. My boyfriend explained to me that he feels that he really needs to take this job to plan for our future. So now he will be working two jobs and we really wont see eachother! I can tell he really doesnt want to take the job but he needs to do it. My boyfriend didnt go to college so in his words he "needs to start working his *** off if he ever wants to get anywhere". I know that he's upset like I am but its hard because as of right now I am out of school because its summer and I'm not working as of recently so i have A LOT of free time so it makes me sad for him to not be around and miss out on things. Like I said, he's voiced to me many times that it makes him very sad that he misses out on things with me but he wants to "man" up and work work work so he can start a life for us. I know he has good intentions but Its just hard for me to wrap my mind around that he wont be around a lot. I've talked myself through it and we've had good supportive conversations about it and he;s trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible with it. I just know that we wont be able to see eachother a lot and he wont have his phone most of the time because he's working so if I ever want to talk to him or I am upset or anything he wont be there for me to just call.....Im going to have to wait until he's available to talk. Any advice?? I know he's given me as much as advice and support as he can but I would love to hear any ideas anyone has that would make this time apart easier!

I called my ex girl and left her a voicemail what should i do?????

i called my ex girlfriend we have been broken up for 5 months and i left her a voicemail but i called private what should i do text her or call her tomar to ask her what she wanna do i just wonder what should i do i need advice cause i really want her back what should i do tomar txt her or call her or something and the point is that i be nervous..

Can you start breastfeeding again after taking some time not doing it?

If while breastfeeding you took a break, can you start breastfeeding again and what's the best and fastest way to bring back the milk?

Pensions and strikes?

The banks are private industries and therefore regardless of how much private pension they get, they still have to work until they are 66 to get their government pension and that is how it is for all employees in the private sector, we can all retire at 55 with our private pensions but we have to wait until we are 66 to get the government one, the employees in the public sector have the best of the pension world, their pensions are mostly paid for from our taxes with the employees themselves paying in only a very small amount and yet they can retire at 55, ten years before I can, so the question that I would ask is, do you think that a teacher or other public worker deserves to work ten years less than you and can enjoy their retirement ten years before you bearing in mind that your taxes have paid for their retirement fund? if you want to do the same and retire at 55 you would need to pay in at least a third of your income to a private pension fund for many years so that you have enough money to live on without the government pension for ten years, teachers, police and council workers do not have to do that.



About Nokia Mobile Telecoms Lottery winning prize confusion.?

Uh oh, you're in trouble. There was no lottery, this is a scam. Don't pay any more money to transfer the funds because there are no funds to transfer.

Does the sugar free hot vanilla latte at starbucks really have no sugar in it?

I mean besides the milk is there any other added sugar in it? Please someone answer correctly :) 5 stars best answer.

I recived a winning certificate & your agent id .we had given them our photo & passport copy &bank account no.?

we got a mail by winning certificate ,person id ,&custom clearance certificate.he had demand for our photo,passport copy &bank a/c no. which we had given to him.after that he had demand for 86900 to pay in rbi for convert currency with the rbi form.

Lactose freemilk still makes me naseous?

I used to think that I was lactose intolerant because I would drink milk and feel nauseous or even want to throw up after, but then I tried lactose free milk and I still feel the same? Soy does it to me too. Anyone know what it might be? Thanks!

Will this long distance cost if noone picked up?

I called long distance but noone answered and I hung up before the Voicemail, will this still cost long distance?

What to do about scams?

I was recently called with a message with one of those magazine company I believe it was publishers service and I dont know why but I agreed and gave them my credit card number I realized soon afterwords how stupid that was and tried to call them back and was hung up on after listening to some recording I looked at my account info and saw a pending status from them for 60 dollars I changed my credit card number immediately and need to wait before I can reverse the charge but what else should I do I have heard horror stories about these companies and that they send collections agencies after those that don't pay and harass you until you agree to pay them off to stop. Also I finally got through to a woman and asked her why I had been billed so soon she told me they bill it automatically to check if your card number works and that it will go away (I don't really know if this is possible if so why so much) I also found out that it was actually 60 bucks a month and not 4.95 as I had been led to believe what I had been told it sounded like 60 dollars total for 18 months anyways she told me could only put a hold on my account and a supervisor would call later but I got the call while I was at work and it was to busy to excuse myself to answer it so put it to voicemail but they didn't leave one. That all happened today what should else should I do and what else Will they probably do also I gave them a friends number I don't think he would be stupid enough to fall for it too but really I don't want them calling him to say that I owe them money or him or anyone else finding out about my lapse if judgement. So please if anyone knows to do next please help

Votto for wilson and matt cain?

howws this look? he gets hr's rbi's runs and average i get two pitchers. i need saves and wins and my offense besides votto is too terrible to produce in other categories besides stolen bases and maybe average. i already got a rpetty good pitching staff i think and this will just solidify it.

Add Melky Cabrera or Alexei Ramirez?

Hanley Ramirez is my other SS and my other OF are Kemp, Gordon, and Joyce. I have an empty UTL spot and I need AVG and RBI's

Was he just playing on my feelings? He hasn't returned my call?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him six hours ago and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think he was just joking me all the time?

Baseball Keeper league trade advice. Anyone care to help?

I give Morneau and Sergio Santos and receive Ryan Howard. Howards ave is ish these days but still a HR RBI machine. Morneau is questionable health wise and who knows if he'll be a 30 HR power guy again. I dont really have saves to give away with Feliz and Walden being my only other options with nobody to add off waivers. So, would you make this trade?

Please I'm in pain 10 points?

Ok so I work out a lot.On tread-mill etc.I am after trapping a muscle.It's pains me to walk and to even's my left calf that is worse right is not as bad.I drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of bananas.So I have enough potassium.I also drink a lot of water while working out.I work out nearly every day.How can I make the muscle be released? Will I have to go to a doctor? how long will it take? And how long should I wait before working out again? I will be giving 10 points please answers :) thanks again ps I'm 16

How often should my 6 month old baby be waking at night?

I think the teething is what wakes him that happen to my son, but i would put that special baby teething ointment or what ever is called in the night so it wouldn't bother him every night.

Runner on third scores on a wild pitch. On next pitch batter gets a base hit. Does the batter get an RBI?

no he does not. RBI stands for run, and then batted in. That means that the runner would have to get home on a hit that the batter hit. I dont know where this Aaron Brown guy is coming from but hes wrong.

I need help on making three layered jello with condensed milk in the middle?

I didn't get many ingredients but what I have is a 3 oz. pk of lime jello, a 3 oz pk of cherry jello, two 3 oz. pk of unflavored gelatin, and a can of condensed milk. Can someone give me a recipe to make layered jello? It'd be REALLY nice! Thanks. :D

Trade Walden/Tabata for I. Suzuki?

well, you dont really need a closer or an outfielder, but its Ichirio and you know that hes going to lead off every game with the Mainers, so the more at bats you get the more hits, sb, etc youll get so I say do it... Then pick up Fernando Salas if you need a closer..

Have I acted too eager/ available for him?

We've met 3 times and I told him I'd like to be friends to get to know each other and see. Anyhow, the last time we went out was a week ago for a coffee. It went really well. He had done most of the calling and iniciating of contact, except after the second date, I texted him to thank him. Anyhow, this time he told me to call him and we'd get together to do something soon. So 2 days after that coffee I called and left a voicemail. When I didn't hear back, 2 days later I messaged him and asked if he got the message. He replied immediately that he didn't and asked if something had happened. So he called that night and I invited him to a concert on Sunday. He told me he couldn't go this weekend due to sports fixtures (he's on a team). Then he said that this weekend we would do something together and I said 'ok, you call me as you're the busier person at the moment!' (He has a very busy job). So I put the ball back in his court. Am I too eager and available? He's reserved and I don't want to frighten him off but still want to show him I'm attracted to him. By the way, he said that we could go to a concert another time and that he'd like to do a salsa class with me (my hobby).

Does anyone know a method of doing atomic absorption spectroscopy for determination of calcium ions in milk?

Hi guys i need help with this experiment i need a method and the chemicals needed for this experiment if you know could you please help me out because i cant seem to find anything on atomic absorption on milk only just on tablets and metal and stuff like that thanks

Is my townhouse in foreclosure? Owner/landlord not cashing rent check.?

Ok so heres the story...we moved into this townhouse to rent in nov 2010...we still do not have a lease we kept being told wed get it in the mail to sign and return and nothing. So the owner of the unit told us to just send him the checks directly and it seemed to be working out good that way. Over the course of the last 7 months weve noticed many of the townhouses our owner has are in foreclosure or have a lien on them. He has been on our tails if he doesnt have the rent check in his hands by the 5th of every month and now its june 20th and he has yet to cash our rent check. We tried calling him and it goes right to voicemail everytime weve sent numerous texts and nothing. Rent is due in about 1.5-2 weeks and that means double rent would have to come out of our bank which is not fair to us as our finances are now all thrown off. we also got the water bill which we always include in the rent so hes not paying that either. I told him we would not be paying julys rent until he told us what was going on and why he isnt cashing our check or returning our messages. Does it sounds like foreclosure possibly?

What is the difference between white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate?

Their colour for definite. Also the amount of cocoa beans in them. And the flavour. White is definitely sweeter than dark. :)

Is it true that Jose Bautista has haters because he owned the haters' teams?

ESPN spends too much time dwelling on steroids so kids now think every player that hits home runs uses them now ignoring the fact that Ruth hit 60 of them before steroids were even marketed. I have no idea if Jose Bautista or any other player is on HGH but a lot of players are and it will be a huge scandal when they finally decide to crack down on it.

If I buy a prepaid SIM card in Europe, will I be able to call the US?

you will have to make sure that your phone is roaming activated BEFORE you leave, and you should have no problems, I have a prepaid here in australia and it actually costs me less to ring the U.S than to ring aussie numbers, hope this helps

How many times does a phone ring?

So about a week ago I lost my phone andnwhen I called it, it went straight to voicemail. A couple days later I called it again and it rung like 5 times and went to voicemail and it keeps doing that. I kno it's dead but why does it ring fully, then go to voicemail? Is it supposed to do that? Ty:D

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Was he just playing me by asking me to call? Should I send another message or just forget him?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him last night and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think he was just joking me all the time?

Nervous to make the first call?

When you do call her just ask say,"Hey, what's up?" Ask her questions about how she's doing and stuff like that. Bring up something that you both like (if you know) and let the conversation go from there. You're usually at your best when you don't stress over it so much. It's easier just to let things come to you than to make yourself even more worried about what you're going to talk about next. This way, when you talk to her again, and every other time you do, you'll be able to feel confident and soon it will be a breeze! :D Good luck!

Help!? Messed up my diet?!?

as long as you eat right from now on, and do a little more excersize, you'll be fine. I mess up on diets too. Heck, everyone does. Dont hate your mother, sweetie. She probably thought she was being kind by making all that food.

Nickelodeon games..?! ?

Does anybody remember the games you could play on nickelodeon when you pressed the red button on sky..? Does anybody remember the one where you had to shoot thinks like rotten milk or boggers at words on the screen and you had to fill in the word in a certain amount of time to get to the next word..? And where can I play it..? Thanks..!!

Is it possible for a 3 year old to...?

Try This-Make Her Sit At The Table Until She Eats It.Then Set Up A Chart With 6 Separate Areas On It And It Should Have breakfast,snack,lunch,snack,dinner,and then snack so she has her protein and is healthy....and everytime she finishes a meal or snack you'll put / or let her put a sticker in the slot for that one and at the end of the week she gets a prize *(can be small or big) And It Should Make Eating More Fun Instead Of Something that she has to do or is a bribe. And Make Sure To Praze Her ! Hope This Helps !

What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously.?

I'm 15, and I'm sick of life. Yes, I'm suicidal. But I feel like my circumstances are pretty much excusable. I don't want to be a whiny teen, but I'm so sick of my family. I feel like I'm going insane because of them. Here's what's happened. All my life, I've lived with my mom in one town. Then, all of a sudden, last year my dad moved across the country, and my mom ditched and went on the other side of the country. Leaving me in this situation where I don't want to leave in the middle of the school year. But my dad was persuading me to move to Tampa with him. So I gave in, and went to Tampa. He put me in all these sports and I was so homesick and he constantly pointed out that I was an embarrassment, and a disappointment, although my marks in school were straight A's and I kept my room clean and I barely ever went out with friends or even had friends. Then my mom said she'd find a job and move back home. So my dad, me and my mom had an ugly custody battle. I mean UGLY. It ruined me and my dad's failing relationship. I felt better I was going home though. But my mom lied. She wants this kind of California lifestyle. So, she made me move in with her. It was alright at first, but things went downhill really fast. She screamed at me for everything. Literally screaming. Calling me a ****, whore, every name in the book. She's even hit me before, and asked me to kill myself once. She'll get mad over making a C or not doing homework or that I'm depressed. I was lonely living with her. I had no friends, I had nothing to do, and she was making life hell. So she dumped me off to my uncle, and things went great. There was nothing wrong. Then we get in one argument, SOLVE THE PROBLEMS, and my mom calls and argues with him and tells him that I'm gonna move in with her friend. Without telling me. So he takes it all out on me, throws my stuff on the lawn, takes a pic of it and sends it to me, and forces me out without telling me why. Then he calls me a whore, says I'm gonna end up in the 9th grade again, and says he's glad he has a kid whose parents love him. So I live with my mom's friend. Then mom calls and says I have to move back to Cali this summer. Early. Way too early. At this point, I'm tired of moving. I'm tired of drama. I'm tired of bad crap happening. The last thing that could make me feel any better is moving to California. So I freaked out, took a bunch of painkillers, got found, and went to a mental facility for a week. None of my family cared I tried to kill myself. They just called me out of control. I'm going to just let you know, I don't do drugs, I don't have sex, I don't disrespect authority, I'm home on curfew, and I don't drink. I'm going crazy, because I have no clue why they think I'm out of control! I just want to stay home! I've moved literally 7 times in one year, across the country! Anyways, after I got out of the facility, I moved in with my grandma for a bit. Things have been fine. She said if I did well being here until I have to leave, she said I could live with her for the school year and my mom agreed. But tonight, she got mad because I went to my boyfriend's house, and she said to call her before dark to see if I can get a ride or not, and I tried and nobody answered and left a voicemail, and I came home around 9:30. Before curfew. But she called me "wild" and "out of control". It just doesn't make sense to me. Just because of this, she doesn't want me back for the school season. There's no way I'm gonna make it to be 18. I'm going to go insane and eventually kill myself. I feel like I have no hope. There really is no hope. I can't do this. I can't handle my family. I can't handle my mom. Knowing my family, they would definitely not care if I died. I don't care if it's a permanent solution, I don't care if I'm selfish, I just want it all to end. I don't want to cry anymore.I just want someone to care. But that won't happen. Why does my family hate me? Why am I really a bad person?

Nokia Astound- How to get off of offline mode?

if u r certain the simcard is activated, go to where ur profiles r and change the profile from offline to general.

Figure skating spin entries - help!?

Hi guys! Basically I need some help with my spin entries. I can do a pretty fast and centred scratch, am working on getting my sit spin low and have started learning the camel, but I still have trouble entering the spins. I only realised this recently when someone noticed it after my most recent comp (I am adult Bronze level). Basically I wind up OK but before I step in I brake on my right toe pick at the end of the RBI edge, and (this is difficult to explain so bear with me) I kind of stop, put my left blade down, and then turn into the LFO edge. If I concentrate on the flow of the step in I find it very difficult to centre the spin - I find it hard to control my free leg, it just swings round. But if I concentrate on getting a good spin, I put in the stop during the entry. It looks ugly and is broken up and even though I can go quite fast I'm pretty sure it's limiting my speed. I really want to progress for comps next season but am worried the bad entries will give me low GOE and look terrible! My coach is off on maternity leave at the moment so if anyone has tips on spin entries I'd be so grateful - I don't know anyone else who has this problem!

Why is drinking so popular?

I really do not understand it. From what I know about it makes you sick, has a bitter taste to it, weakens your senses, and can become addictive. It is made out of fermented fruit which is not exactly appealing. Yet if you do not drink it's considered weird and "uncool". the "benefits" to it are that it makes you forget... Why is that good? And I did ask my alcoholic friend why he drinks( he was a total reck by the way) and he said it tastes good. So does having a milk shake or a smoothies, why go for alcohol. And why do people use it to celebrate? It weakens memories so you can't fully remember what happened. please help me understand Because I really don't get it

Constipation in babies?

my baby is now one and he has extremly hard bowl movements about the size of an egg. I have been trying OJ, prunes, water, not as much cow's milk. Any suggestions aside from doctor he see's one in a few days, until than any suggestions

Can u send someone to your voicemail? {cell phone question}?

I didn't completely understand your question. If I don't want to talk to someone when my cell rings, I just hit the "reject" button and they can leave a voice mail. Maybe the lady had your number, maybe someone was using her phone for like you said, to ask for condolence or notify all her friends, or something.

How come sometimes my baby sleeps very well but other nights he doesnt?

he could be teething. and its normal for babies to wake up through the night sometimes. my son has been sleeping through the night since he was 1 month old but every once in a while he will wake up in the middle of the night wanting his milk and he is a year old now. its just part of having babies.

Is Jose Bautista for Real?

As a Jays fan I have been watching him through this whole improvement. In a way I keep expecting him to "return to normal" but his approach won't change. He used to chase pitches all the time, not anymore. He has passed numerous tests so the whole PED thing is not an issue. I just think he is always focused and pitchers can't get him to chase. Believe he has now hit about 74 Homers in a full year plus 2 months..

Shane Victorino for Michael Bourn? details inside!?

It is an 8 team ESPN roto league. If I get more SBs I gain like 3-4 pts (small gaps). While Victorino steals, Bourn is stealing like wildfire. I have Kemp, Pence, Fielder, and Weeks among others to cover for the loss of HRs and RBI I'd lose from Victorino. What do you think?

Baseball fantasy experts - trade evaluation?

I would make that deal but only because you have more than enough pitching to counter the loss of Haren.

Pregnant? The tests say I'm not, but I think I am...?

It definately sounds like you're pregnant. Sometimes, it just unexplainably takes a while for a pregnancy test to detect the hormone. I would suggest making a trip to the ER and requesting a blood test. They will see you regardless of your insurance or fi

A real estate agent has left a voicemail with profanity & threats because I broke my lease & moved out.?

I recently moved out of a home I was renting without notifying the owner. I admit my actions were wrong. I have received a threatening voice mail from the owner's real estate agent. He has informed me that I am going to get it when he sees me. Very scared...What should I do?

Boyfriend left me to babysit for 2 hours and has been gone 6, what to do?

A guy I just started seeing, we dated years ago when we were teens and are now trying again, had me babysit his 3 kids while he went to work for a couple hours. It has now been 6 and a half hours since I've heard from him and his phone is going straight to voicemail. I'm an extremely jealous person, so my mind wanders and thinks really bad things. But I think I have every right to request a call or text when I am watching his kids. So any advice? I don't know if I'm making this into more than it is or what, any advice would be appreciated.

Im 19 years old and i am worried about an inverted nipple,should i be worried?

im 19 years old, and 8 months ago i gave birth to my first child,and ever since, my right nipple sometimes get inverted.....i never breast feed him,but i use to pump milk,i dont feel any pain in my breast and i dont have any lumps,my breast seems normal other than the inverted nipple,this has been going on for 8 months now,should i be worried? can someone please help me asap!!!

Which one of these two stats would you consider to be the MVP season and why?

The bottom one for sure. He had had more at nearly 100 less at bats than the top guy but he still had more hits and if he would have played as many games as the above guy he probably would have had more homeruns than him. He also has more RBIs and a stellar batting average, on base percentage and slugging percentage.

Getting rid of voicemail notification on Samsung Captivate?

The voicemail notification has been stuck in the notification bar of my Samsung Captivate for a few days now. I've tried taking out the battery, calling myself and leaving a voicemail, deleting all the voicemail messages, and it won't go away. Help please?

Which 3B could I get from trading one of these players?

If you could get Morse for A-Rod DO IT!! That would be an upgrade for you. Morse won't sustain his early season success long term. And hold on to Berkman. He will have a significantly upgraded role in the Cards' offense with Pujols out for 4-6 weeks.

Sex Change Surgery????????

I heard that sometime in the future sex changes will be so advanced that a man could get one and be able to have a period,give birth to babies and produce milk and other things a natrual born woman would have. Same with the other way around. Around what yera will this technogy be around and how much will it probally cost?

Which is more impressive?

I would probably say the second scenario. In baseball, pitchers have a heavy advantage over hitters. It is easier for them to "take control" of the game, especially when facing a weak offensive team. As a hitter, it can be difficult to make an impact on the outcome of a game. Going 4-4 and having 2HR all in the same game is very impressive, not taking anything away from how difficult pitching can be. From my own experience, pitching consistently well is easier than hitting consistently well.

Agon not hitting HR!?

I was wondering if it was because his surrey or because the change in venue, I say this because the rbi are their but not the Hr. Also what happened to Haren?

Is this a healthy meal/exercise plan?

To be honest, I'm 15 years old and I think this diet is crazy. You need way more than an oz of almonds for breakfast. You're not getting enough calories in which basically means you won't be able to burn much fat off. Either you'll gain most likely or loose and look sickening. Plus you weigh a lot less than most people who are 5'5

She screwed me over what should i do?

With so many other girls out there why do you want to waste your time on this one? All she does is play mind games and flutter back and forth. Also, if she is doing this to you while she has a boyfriend can you imagine being her boyfriend and knowing that this is in her nature and constantly feeling as though you do not trust her 100%?

Trade Roy Halladay?? 10pts!?

What players do you need? Do you need a 1st baseman or 2nd, or 3rd,SS, OF? You can go after anyone with Halladay.If you need a 1B, you could try for Pujols. If you need a 2B, you might be able to get Cano. If you need a 3B, you could try going after A-Rod. If you need a SS, you could try trading him for Tulo. If you need a OF, you could go after Granderson or Bautista.But if you trade Halladay, you have to have other good pitchers to help you out.

My Girlfriend Is On Her Period?

I know she is, she has told me. But she is into dirtbikes, and about a week and a half ago she was upset because she was fighting with her friend and every1 was upset. We made up and she took a trip to illioni and had a bunch of motorcrossers hitting on her, asking for her number, calling her cute, .etc. She goes along with it and her and her friend always look and find the cute guys and like give them names and stuff. This frustrated me very bad, and she got mad about it. She finally made up with me. Then I told her something that I thought would make her happy, 2 girls wanted to come over and not only did i not want them over, but I told them STRAIGHT UP NO to make my girlfriend happy that she was my only girl I would ever need. She got pissed about this too and didn't text me. I was still.. nice about it. Called her babe. Constantly told her how I was on her side.. and I told her I loved her. Still she didn't text me and ignored my voicemail saying it was ok. She didn't text me till the next day. She finally got home from the trip from the motorcross track and has been talking to jensen about all these really cute guys she saw there and all this. And they were bragging about all the guys hitting on them. She now is not acting the same. I tell her I love her and she doesn't say the same. She acts different, and when I call her she sounds so much less enthusiastic. I told her I missed her on the phone today and it's been a while sense I got to see her face and she didn't say she missed me she just said "Ha.. and its only been 4 dayss" and stuff. I'm not too clingy, I've just been trying to back her up lately. This is seriously getting me upset, and I DON'T know what to go to. I don't know what to do. I'm just trying to help her and get her through this tough time. This is not herself :( Please help somebody. I love her, and can not let her go. She does not seem nearly interested as usual. Is this her period or what?

Will Vladimir Gurrero make it into the Hall of Fame?

Career .319 batter. 442 home runs. 1460 RBI. 1 MVP award. 1 World Series title. What do you think? Thanks very much!

Is there a way to check messages on a phone that you lost online?

I lost my phone but dont know if there is any way I can check my messages online somehow with my passcode to check my voicemail?

Im being bullied, should i have my parents call the school?

im being verbally harrassed and rumors are being spread about me by one person. she is also trying to turn my friends against me. I am scared to sit with my friends at lunch because of what she might sya to me. she even left me a voicemail saying why everything is my fault. i've been bullied before and this is not overreacting. should my parents call the school to tell guidance and my health teacher? if not what do i do

Drop Granderson for Murphy?

Granderson is off to his slow start as usual so now with Hamilton getting hurt David Murphy has appeared on my radar. He has always impressed me with his bat and now that he is going to be getting regular playing time it makes me a bit curious. I think they may actually be very close in stats. Murphy should hit for a higher AVG, Granderson may have a bit more power. They are both in stacked lineups with plenty of RBI and run potertial. I thought Granderson won out with his speed but Murphy actually stole 2 bases yesterday so he is no slouch himself. I am actualy torn here, let me knw what you think? 10 Man H-H League, other OF include Holliday, Rios, and Francisco.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Please help me lose belly fat fast? I need to for my health?

Okay so i think i eat pretty healthy. I dont go out to eat. I eat eggs and meat. I excercise. I even bought the workout insanity to help me lost all this belly fat. But i just cant lose it. I have toned arms and legs but alot of belly fat. Like i dont get it. What am i doing wrong. I mean i eat late at night but its not like its a whole meal i eat. I'll like suger free frosted flakes with splenda and low fat milk.. I exercise 3 times a week. And when i excersice i go hard. I sweat till im dripping sweat. I keep working out till i wanna vomite. I mean i eat 3 meals a day. Lunch, breakfast, dinner. Something i think i over eat but i dont know. And if i eat bread its only 2 and no more. I gotta be honest i dont drink much water. But im dying to lose this huge gut. I wanna starve my self so it can go away. Its so embarrsing. I really wanna lose it. I dont wanna six pack i just dont want belly fat. Please any tips, meal plans, excerise tips, workout movves. Anything will work. Please. I dont want this body. I want a new one. Im dying for help. Please somebody help. Please :)

How are my hitting stats so far for my softball season?

Your batting average is kinda low. However, only 1 strikeout in 4 games is good because it means you're at least making contact.

When did your toddler stop drinking whole milk and switch to what you drink?

We have been giving my daughter whole milk since she turned 1, but we drink 1% milk. She has it sometimes when we run out of her milk, but when can she just drink what we have?

Adrian Gonzalez 2011 MVP?

Gonzalez just hit a game winning, 2 RBI double to lead the Red Sox to a come from behind victory. He is batting .327 on the season with 9 HR and a league leading 37 RBI, not to mention his flawless fielding. I know its early, but could he be the league MVP this season?

So i wanna try and get my girlfriend back what should i do?

i called my ex girlfriend private yesterday and left her a voicemail and i told her i was gonna call her or text her but i didnt but im too nervous too what should i do i need advice for real what should i do we have been broking up for 5 months i just want too ask her do she want me too leave her alone forever i asked her that one time before but she never answered the question

Can Eat Ice Cream but Not Milk?

My stomach gets irritated and I develop flatulence issue after consuming milk, but i seem to be okay with ice cream. How can this be? Thanks.

We've met 4 friends, but I'm really attracted to him? Do you think he just sees me as a friend?

We met months ago and I told him I'd like to be friends and see. We kind of lost touch as his Mom was very ill and he was taking care of her plus has a very busy job. Then I messaged him a couple of weeks ago and he told me he'd like to see me again. He sent me another message 'don't you want to meet up?' as I forgot to reply. Last time we went out was a few days ago. I was showing him photos of a friend's wedding and he looked at me and said 'now we have to get married!' Then he said to me 'don't you want to marry?' I answered 'don't know, I'm alone at the moment (smiling)'. Anyhow I was telling him about the problems in the house I'm in and he said I could stay with him for a night or two if I needed a break. I asked where I'd sleep as he has a one bed apartment (I've been there with him before and he was very respectful). He said 'you can sleep on the living room sofa. Call me and we'll keep in touch. So last night I called, left a voicemail for him to call me when he can and he hasn't got back to me. What do you think? Is he interested or not?

Is Ryan Howard currently the most overrated baseball player?

Now to start I am a Phillies fan and I live in Philly. But I think Ryan Howard is the most overrated baseball player. I mean he can hit homeruns and some RBI's, but he hits in the .250s, leads the league in strikeouts most years, is slowish, and isn't the best defensive players. And he is decent but he's definitely not worth $20million and is not one of the best batters in Philly. So is it just me or he is the most overrated baseball player

What does it mean if...?

Let's say your a sixteen yr old girl that had drunk sex (protected) with a nineteen year old teen father on the first day that you met him and later that same night he leaves a msg on your voicemail telling you that he hopes you made it home safely and that he had a fun time with you and STILL, after all that happens, you and him are still communicating (not having sex, just hanging out like normal friends do) and see each other everyday. What does that tell you about this young man?

Why aren't I losing weight?

You need to be aware that whilst you are developing you have to be patient - you need food to help with growth spurts, and whilst exercise and rest are good, you need to make sure you are getting enough protein and minerals to help at this stage.You should see what your BMI is - as to whether you are overweight. Otherwise reduce portion sizes and avoid any snacking and cut down on carbs.

Which is better with milk...soft or crumbly/hard chocolate chip cookies?

I dont usually eat milk n cookies but Im craving some choc. chip w/milk. Which do you suggest, the hard or soft ones? Thanks!

Are the Brewers going to regret trading Brett Lawrie for Shaun Marcum?

Not at all. With Shaun Marcum they are tied for 1st in the NL Central. They already have a very strong offensive with Fielder, Braun, Weeks etc... so if they loose then it definitely wouldn't be Marcum's fault. They really needed a good pitching staff and Marcum was perfect for them.

Do you add anything else to a Fudge Brownie Mix like sugar or baking powder?

I need to make brownies for my mommies birthday! its today & i've never made any but i want to surprise her! can you put milk instead of water or add baking powder and sugar to it?

What are your thoughts on Alex Avila of the Detroit Tigers?

He is exceeding all expectations thus far, I don't see him keeping this up. By the end of the year, it'll be around .272/14/73. Still decent, but nothing too special. Pitchers will figure him out. But his defense will keep him in the daily lineup.

What do you guys think of my book so far?

It's kinda boring, I stopped reading after about the second or third line. It's sounds like a diary entry. If someone gets bored that early, how are people going to get interested?

Question regarding Best Buy Mobile "early eligible" upgrades-?

Today I got a phone call/automated voicemail message from Best Buy stating that my mobile device (an Apple iPhone 16GB 3G-S) was eligible for an early upgrade. This is not the same thing as the full upgrade. It says that I can upgrade it to the latest iPhone, but nothing else. My question is: What exactly is this saying? Can I really go and get an iPhone 4 upgrade for the price of the phone itself? How much would this actually cost?

Did I eat bad today? Helpppp?

It doesn't sounds like you ate enough! But you should try to eat fatty foods in the morning so the body has the whole day to digest them, some sugar in the after noon and something really healthy but not too greasy for dinner like a salad and some chicken

Ok.. help reading this guy?

He doesnt care enough to make sure you know all the details,he's either a douchebag or he's rather suspicious and gives you barely any details so he could be dangerous,so I wouldnt go :/

How should I quit Chase?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!? ?

I started Chase on June 15th and I found the job so boring and repetitive. I did all of the training the 1st day and had nothing to do the rest of the days because they had me sit in a room for 8 hours because the additional training wasn't uploaded yet. Anyway I got a job offer from best buy and just started orientation today but I like it way better because I love technology an there are many ways to win prizes plus the employee discount. So I am supposed to start my third week at chase on mon. but I don't even want to go over there. How should I quit chase should I just call them and leave a voicemail or wait till Monday and speak to someone? Also would I still get paid even though I quit and worked 40 hours? Any advice would be appreciated.

Fantasy baseball trade?

I would do the trade, Longoria is just getting going.. and Beltre will have a good season and Lind should have a bounce back season like his 09 form.. Jay bruce would be a stretch

Womens health question ?

NOT normal.. what i wanna know is why she never seen a doc about it in 14 yr.. that even more weird..

If you hit a ball and its and error by the infielder and a run gets in who gets the rbi?

i hit a ball to the shortstop with a man at third, and the shortstop made an error, and the man from third came in to score. do i get the rbi?

Question about pumping milk?

Yes, your milk supply will increase again once the demand increases. Whether or not your daughter will nurse again is hard to say. Most children will quit nursing once they have had a bottle or cup because they have to work harder to get their milk. Don't be depressed if she doesn't nurse anymore. You've done an excellent job by continuing to nurse for this length of time. If your daughter doesn't nurse again and you are concerned for her health, continue to use your pump and put it in the bottle or cup.

How would i know quantity<gm> of protein present in 1kg milk ? .?

i m confusing between grams and %.if 5-6%of protein in milk then how i can i know that how much grams of protein i have consumed?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Plenty of time to sleep but simply cant?

So lately ive been unemployed and able to sleep till i wanna wake up. Problem is i still cant get enough sleep. on average id say ive been getting about 4-5 hours of solid sleep and another hour or two of sleep seperated by tossing and turning. About a week ago i started having sex before sleep and it worked fine i mean cant go wrong. But now even that has not helped my sleep, i just end up horny and tired. I know its not my bed cause ive had it for 2 years and never had any troubles. Other than night-quil and a glass of Jose Quervo Black im outa ideas. And i found jose night quil not very fun, almost scary cause i didnt remember going to bed at all. Thankfully i woke up my fiance. Also tried hot milk. Tastes like melted butter. Any better ideas?

He hasn't called me back? Does this mean he's not interested? If I text now will I seem desperate?

We've known each other 8 months and have gone out four times. At the start I told him I was looking for a friend ( I had a long relationship which hurt me when it ended). Anyhow, we lost touch for months as his mother was very ill, then we got back in contact and he told me he'd like to meet me. When I forgot to reply to him he sent me a text 'you didn't reply? don't you want to meet?' So we did meet last Monday for a coffee and had a great time for a couple of hours. I left that meeting realising that I now have feelings for him. He said to me I was welcome to stay at his place for a night or two (as there are problems with the house I'm staying in). I joked 'and where would I sleep?' He said 'on the sofa!', Anyhow, I've been to his place before and he was very respectful and gentlemanly. He asked me to call him which I did on Wednesday night, left a voicemail to call me when he can and I still havn't heard from him. I was thinking of texting him and inviting him to a concert being given my a friend of mine on Sunday. Do you think this would be too forward as he hasn't got back to me yet? Would he think I'm pushy or desperate?

Do you think Jimmy Rollins deserved the MVP Award in 2007?

Absolutely not. This is why I don't pay attention to the proclaimed "MVP" voting. It's a damn popularity contest. The only reason Rollins got the award is because he plays in a premium position, SS. Holliday doesen't. But you still don't see a LF put up a .400+ OBP, Lead the league in RBI and BA, have nearly 40 HR, and lead the MLB in hits and extra base hits? No. It's the same thing that happened with Miggy Cabrera last year. Josh Hamilton is not the AL MVP last year, Miggy is. And may I add if it wasn't for Clint Hurdle changing his swing and stance mechanics, the dude would have put up terrible numbers.

Can landlords come into your house without permission?

normally they are supposed to give 24 hr notice. But with water dripping, they were trying to avoid further damage.

Am I acting too eager/ available for him?

We've met 3 times and I told him I'd like to be friends to get to know each other and see. Anyhow, the last time we went out was a week ago for a coffee. It went really well. He had done most of the calling and iniciating of contact, except after the second date, I texted him to thank him. Anyhow, this time he told me to call him and we'd get together to do something soon. So 2 days after that coffee I called and left a voicemail. When I didn't hear back, 2 days later I messaged him and asked if he got the message. He replied immediately that he didn't and asked if something had happened. So he called me that night and I invited him to a concert on Sunday. He told me he couldn't go this weekend due to sports fixtures (he's on a team). Then he said that this weekend we would do something. Am I too eager and available? He's reserved and I don't want to frighten him off but still want to show him I'm attracted to him.

Should I pick up David Freese?

It's certainly worth a gamble. I've never been a big fan of Polanco as a fantasy player... he gives you good AVG and decent R, but he's only hit 10 HR once in the last 6 years, he hasn't had more than 7 SB since 2003, and he doesn't give you many RBI at all. You need more than a guy who hits for AVG and gives you some R at 3B. Freese has the potential to give a solid .280-ish AVG, but he has more power potential. You won't hurt your team by dropping Polanco, and if Freese gets back to what he was doing before he got hurt you will probably get a big upgrade. There is an "if" there, but it's a pretty small one and it's not like Polanco is carrying your team right now. You can find lots of guys on the waivers who do the same thing as Polanco if it doesn't work out.

Should I message this guy or just leave it?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him an hour ago and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think I should message him or just leave it?

We've met 4 friends, but I'm really attracted to him? Do you think he just sees me as a friend?

We met months ago and I told him I'd like to be friends and see. We kind of lost touch as his Mom was very ill and he was taking care of her plus has a very busy job. Then I messaged him a couple of weeks ago and he told me he'd like to see me again. He sent me another message 'don't you want to meet up?' as I forgot to reply. Last time we went out was a few days ago. I was showing him photos of a friend's wedding and he looked at me and said 'now we have to get married!' Then he said to me 'don't you want to marry?' I answered 'don't know, I'm alone at the moment (smiling)'. Anyhow I was telling him about the problems in the house I'm in and he said I could stay with him for a night or two if I needed a break. I asked where I'd sleep as he has a one bed apartment (I've been there with him before and he was very respectful). He said 'you can sleep on the living room sofa. Call me and we'll keep in touch. So last night I called, left a voicemail for him to call me when he can and he hasn't got back to me. What do you think? Is he interested or not?

Will this be Ryan Raburn's last game with the Tigers?

That's a better batting average than Jorge Posada (.169 avg, 6 HR, 16 RBI, 36 K, in 136 AB) has and Yankee fans aren't complaining as much as you and the other Tigers fans.

How hard was it for you to breastfeed?

I would really like to breastfeed but I am scared I won't be able to. I know so many people that had such a hard time with it, they ended up with very painful breasts and even cracked and bruised nipples and I am terrified of that happening to me! Also, I will be in school and after a few months, I will be working full time. I am afraid that I won't be able to pump when I need to or that my baby won't be getting enough milk : ( how did you ladies do with breastfeeding in the beginning and what helped you stick with it when you felt like throwing in the towel? Also, what was your schedule like and did you have a routine of when you would pump during school/work? I don't want to take any time off of schOol because I want to stay on track to get my associates degree.

Bases loaded one out. The batter attempts a sacrifice bunt (for a squeeze play), but the bunt is not good?

and we have a double play (runners on 1st and 2nd are out). If the runner on 3rd base scores before the third out does he get a run? Does the batter gets an out but an RBI also? Or team and players get nothing because we have 3 outs?

I had a problem because of cocacola company?

i got a message from cocacola promotion offer mobile draws 2011.when i gave reply to it by mail they sent that i had won 1500000 pounds and aslo asked to fill the promotion request form.....when i filled it i was informed that their officer by name edward howard (a photo was mailed to me) will arive in new delhi and asks me to clear his airlinecustom charges and the registration fees for the amount and they said that they would transfer the money to our local accunt by consulting rbi......they had a call to me twice from the number it real or fake......what should i do....?

Did I ate to much for breakfast?

No.... But where's the protein? You shouldn't eat so much sugar in the morning. Eat some eggs and some sort of whole grain.

How sick are you/can you be?

i need someone to write me the nastiest paragraph their sick minds can think of. ex: 'I woke up in a greasy hotel room stinking of old warm milk. my skin covered in a layer of thick white liquid. dog and human hairs cover my tongue i had little gashes all over my chest with maggots crawling in them'. something like that. Make me want to puke! thanks! :D

I got screwed over what should i do?

Bro. She lied to you. Move on. If your trying to find the one to be with, then you need to be with someone that had the same mutual feelings as u. If a girl complicates things and make things more confusing than they should be, then its not worth it man.

Would You Be Creeped Out By This?

so yesterday i sent the guy i like a text message saying that i wanted him to know that i like him because skool ended[i would have done this in person but he wasnt at his locker and i couldn't find him for the rest of day at times we could have talked] he doesnt know i have his number because my friend gave it to me, would you be creeped out by this also he didn't respond and i think his mom possibly saw it because shes on his voicemail.... but idk

MLB All Star Question?

Yes he should be the back up 1st basemen. Adrian Gonzalez is closer to having a triple crown season..he just needs his hrs up by few

What to do when landlords are harassing & leaving threatning messages?

We submitted out 30 day notice on the 11th of this month. We have always had a great relationship renting from them our landlords for nearly 2 years. They gave our new landlords a great reference and claimed they would rent to us again anytime. (The old landlords are private homeowners). We have paid rent at the old house until 7/1/11. He told us he would be showing the house to a couple of interested tenants the next evening. We let him know that we are still in the middle of moving so it is pretty messy (still have some of our things in there) and haven't gotten a chance to make the necessary repairs & clean since we had until the 1st of July. He understood and told us it was no problem. The next day he left us a voicemail saying he was going to "hang us and our daddies". In the voicemail he also stated that we "destroyed his brand new house." (Built a little over 7 years ago). The repairs we told him we needed to make consist of the following: 3 Cracked light plate covers, 3 holes in the walls (one caused by a door knob without a stopper), 1 drawer COVER in the kitchen that fell off due to the screws coming lose (the sliding system is still fully intact), shampooing the carpet and touching up the paint. I got a call from our new landlords today saying that they received a call from our previous landlord who had initially given us a great reference. He told them that we destroyed his house and trashed it and he would be suing us from anywhere between $5,000-$10,000 to cover the damage done. Because we still have the house until the 1st of July, can he threaten us without allowing us to make the necessary repairs/clean per our rental agreement? Is he allowed to call our current landlord and tell her what's going on? I'm lost right now and don't know what to do. I've walked through the house and taken pictures of everything.

Fantasy Baseball. In a dynasty league some just dropped Pedro Alverez from Pitt. Is he worth a pickup?

yeah pick him up and stash him away for now he tends to be a slow starter as for who you should drop that is your decision. Pedro should be around a 30 homerun hitter

Weight loss wise, was this a good meal plan for today?

Yes it is very healthy but it doesn't seem like enough calories. When losing weight I suggest eating at least five/four small meals a day. You should have had lunch. If your body doesn't get a sufficient amount of calories then you go in starvation mode and end up storing fat. I'm a vegetarian also and I get my protein from soy milk, veggie meat and iron from nuts (legumes) But overall your plan is good and very healthy.

Who had the best day (Tues. and Wed.)?

This really isn't a question. I think we can all agree that Dan Haren and Josh Johnson had the best days.

Is there anyone who knows of the membrane from the Medela breast pump needing replacement after so long?

If so, do changing it allow you to have your milk come out faster? I have never replaced it. I've had it for 2years.

Where do i get rbi norms for commercial banks?

RBI Regularly reviews it's policies under Finance ministry and implements it time to time usually end of every quarter

How to not be nervous calling girl?

Try to know exactly what you're going to say before you call her. And if that doesn't work then try something like nonchalantly running into her on Facebook, and her, then message her saying that you guys should hang out sometime and catch up. Its a lot easier sometimes to type than talk :)


wow... of course he doesn't forgive you! after all you did... yes you did mess up by sending that video.... and actually number 3 isn't a bad idea... though i'd say you blew it.. unless he is REALLY really really forgiving.... don't think you will ever have a chance with him again.

What could be causing my Bowel problems?

I had my appendix removed in April. They also removed adhesions that were making my intestines stick to my abdominal wall. 2 weeks after, I start having less bowel movements. I would have a small one maybe once per week. I've had a lot of bloating and pressure and burning type pain in my abdomen. Went to ER a few days ago. They did an enema. It barely worked. The next day I drank a bottle of magnesium citrate. All that came out was water and a few small stools. I did an enema the next day. I had a medium sized movement. Mostly liquid. Yesterday I had a small regular. My stool has been green for a few days. Haven't eaten anything green or food coloring blue. Still very bloated feeling. It hurts in gallbladder/liver area. Gallbladder removed 5 years ago. I'm always tired and sleepy. No energy at all. Also get cold easily. Could adhesions have grown back and constricting my intestines? What should I do? I'm sure the doc will just blow it off. ER said my entire colon was packed with stool. I don't have the urge to go. Appetite is small also. Think I need surgery? By the way, I've been trying stool softeners, milk of magnesia, enema, magnesium citrate, more water, more fiber, and more exercise. Nothing at all is helping.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Who's this hispanic baseball outfielder.?

he debut on the mets in 07-08ish it was on a game where oliver perez was going to shut out the other team but he let up a homer in the 9th . the outfielder plays right field and had a good catch that game and had an rbi his first at bat