Friday, July 15, 2011

Was he just playing on my feelings? He hasn't returned my call?

We met months ago and went out 3 times. I told him I'd like to get to know each other as friends and then see. Then his mom was hospitalized in December and we fell out of touch. He was spending all his free time with her and has a busy job apart from that. A few weeks ago, I texted him to find out how he was. He wrote back 'I'd like to meet you to catch up. Tell me when suits'. I didn't see his message until the next day and he had sent nother text 30 mins later 'you didn't reply. Do you not want to meet? Anyhow,we met on Monday for a drink and chatted for 2 hours. It went great. I was showing him photos of my cousin's wedding and he joked 'now we'll have to get married!' Then he said 'are you going to marry?' to which I replied 'Im not sure, I'm on my own'. I was telling him that there are problems in the house I'm sharing and when he was walking me to my station he said 'if you want a break from the house, you're welcome to come and stay with me one night'. I said 'where will I sleep' and he said 'there's a sofa'. Then he said 'call me and we'll meet up'. I'm attracted to him. I called him six hours ago and got his voicemail..couldn't sent a my phone is acting up. He hasn't called me back and I know he'll see the missed call. Do you think he was just joking me all the time?

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