Friday, July 15, 2011

Have I acted too eager/ available for him?

We've met 3 times and I told him I'd like to be friends to get to know each other and see. Anyhow, the last time we went out was a week ago for a coffee. It went really well. He had done most of the calling and iniciating of contact, except after the second date, I texted him to thank him. Anyhow, this time he told me to call him and we'd get together to do something soon. So 2 days after that coffee I called and left a voicemail. When I didn't hear back, 2 days later I messaged him and asked if he got the message. He replied immediately that he didn't and asked if something had happened. So he called that night and I invited him to a concert on Sunday. He told me he couldn't go this weekend due to sports fixtures (he's on a team). Then he said that this weekend we would do something together and I said 'ok, you call me as you're the busier person at the moment!' (He has a very busy job). So I put the ball back in his court. Am I too eager and available? He's reserved and I don't want to frighten him off but still want to show him I'm attracted to him. By the way, he said that we could go to a concert another time and that he'd like to do a salsa class with me (my hobby).

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