Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What could be causing my Bowel problems?

I had my appendix removed in April. They also removed adhesions that were making my intestines stick to my abdominal wall. 2 weeks after, I start having less bowel movements. I would have a small one maybe once per week. I've had a lot of bloating and pressure and burning type pain in my abdomen. Went to ER a few days ago. They did an enema. It barely worked. The next day I drank a bottle of magnesium citrate. All that came out was water and a few small stools. I did an enema the next day. I had a medium sized movement. Mostly liquid. Yesterday I had a small regular. My stool has been green for a few days. Haven't eaten anything green or food coloring blue. Still very bloated feeling. It hurts in gallbladder/liver area. Gallbladder removed 5 years ago. I'm always tired and sleepy. No energy at all. Also get cold easily. Could adhesions have grown back and constricting my intestines? What should I do? I'm sure the doc will just blow it off. ER said my entire colon was packed with stool. I don't have the urge to go. Appetite is small also. Think I need surgery? By the way, I've been trying stool softeners, milk of magnesia, enema, magnesium citrate, more water, more fiber, and more exercise. Nothing at all is helping.

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