Thursday, July 14, 2011

What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously.?

I'm 15, and I'm sick of life. Yes, I'm suicidal. But I feel like my circumstances are pretty much excusable. I don't want to be a whiny teen, but I'm so sick of my family. I feel like I'm going insane because of them. Here's what's happened. All my life, I've lived with my mom in one town. Then, all of a sudden, last year my dad moved across the country, and my mom ditched and went on the other side of the country. Leaving me in this situation where I don't want to leave in the middle of the school year. But my dad was persuading me to move to Tampa with him. So I gave in, and went to Tampa. He put me in all these sports and I was so homesick and he constantly pointed out that I was an embarrassment, and a disappointment, although my marks in school were straight A's and I kept my room clean and I barely ever went out with friends or even had friends. Then my mom said she'd find a job and move back home. So my dad, me and my mom had an ugly custody battle. I mean UGLY. It ruined me and my dad's failing relationship. I felt better I was going home though. But my mom lied. She wants this kind of California lifestyle. So, she made me move in with her. It was alright at first, but things went downhill really fast. She screamed at me for everything. Literally screaming. Calling me a ****, whore, every name in the book. She's even hit me before, and asked me to kill myself once. She'll get mad over making a C or not doing homework or that I'm depressed. I was lonely living with her. I had no friends, I had nothing to do, and she was making life hell. So she dumped me off to my uncle, and things went great. There was nothing wrong. Then we get in one argument, SOLVE THE PROBLEMS, and my mom calls and argues with him and tells him that I'm gonna move in with her friend. Without telling me. So he takes it all out on me, throws my stuff on the lawn, takes a pic of it and sends it to me, and forces me out without telling me why. Then he calls me a whore, says I'm gonna end up in the 9th grade again, and says he's glad he has a kid whose parents love him. So I live with my mom's friend. Then mom calls and says I have to move back to Cali this summer. Early. Way too early. At this point, I'm tired of moving. I'm tired of drama. I'm tired of bad crap happening. The last thing that could make me feel any better is moving to California. So I freaked out, took a bunch of painkillers, got found, and went to a mental facility for a week. None of my family cared I tried to kill myself. They just called me out of control. I'm going to just let you know, I don't do drugs, I don't have sex, I don't disrespect authority, I'm home on curfew, and I don't drink. I'm going crazy, because I have no clue why they think I'm out of control! I just want to stay home! I've moved literally 7 times in one year, across the country! Anyways, after I got out of the facility, I moved in with my grandma for a bit. Things have been fine. She said if I did well being here until I have to leave, she said I could live with her for the school year and my mom agreed. But tonight, she got mad because I went to my boyfriend's house, and she said to call her before dark to see if I can get a ride or not, and I tried and nobody answered and left a voicemail, and I came home around 9:30. Before curfew. But she called me "wild" and "out of control". It just doesn't make sense to me. Just because of this, she doesn't want me back for the school season. There's no way I'm gonna make it to be 18. I'm going to go insane and eventually kill myself. I feel like I have no hope. There really is no hope. I can't do this. I can't handle my family. I can't handle my mom. Knowing my family, they would definitely not care if I died. I don't care if it's a permanent solution, I don't care if I'm selfish, I just want it all to end. I don't want to cry anymore.I just want someone to care. But that won't happen. Why does my family hate me? Why am I really a bad person?

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