Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How hard was it for you to breastfeed?

I would really like to breastfeed but I am scared I won't be able to. I know so many people that had such a hard time with it, they ended up with very painful breasts and even cracked and bruised nipples and I am terrified of that happening to me! Also, I will be in school and after a few months, I will be working full time. I am afraid that I won't be able to pump when I need to or that my baby won't be getting enough milk : ( how did you ladies do with breastfeeding in the beginning and what helped you stick with it when you felt like throwing in the towel? Also, what was your schedule like and did you have a routine of when you would pump during school/work? I don't want to take any time off of schOol because I want to stay on track to get my associates degree.

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