Friday, July 15, 2011

How to deal with your boyfriend being gone?

My boyfriend was unemployed for a year of our relationship...finally he found a good job a few months ago.My boyfriend works ALL the time and he works difficult hours. He works over time all the time and works super late at night so half the time he ends up staying at his really good friends house that he works with because his friend lives right down the street from his work whereas he lives a good 30-40 min away from his job. Basically its been hard getting used to him not being around as much as he used to be, we agreed that the two days a week he has off of work are "our" days together. yes its been hard only seeing him twice a week but when we do see eachother its something that we both realllllly look forward to and we do really fun stuff when we spend time together. Well....we finally started getting into the groove of his work schedule but yesterday he was over at my house and he got a voicemail from another job. My boyfriend then explained to me that his friend/co-worker that he goes home with after work sometimes has a friend that needs work done to his boat and needs the wood and a bunch of stuff re-done on the boat and wants my boyfriend and his friend to help re-store the boat. The only upsides to this job is that he'll be making GOOD money and that this retsoring the boat job is only going to be a 3 month project max. My boyfriend explained to me that he feels that he really needs to take this job to plan for our future. So now he will be working two jobs and we really wont see eachother! I can tell he really doesnt want to take the job but he needs to do it. My boyfriend didnt go to college so in his words he "needs to start working his *** off if he ever wants to get anywhere". I know that he's upset like I am but its hard because as of right now I am out of school because its summer and I'm not working as of recently so i have A LOT of free time so it makes me sad for him to not be around and miss out on things. Like I said, he's voiced to me many times that it makes him very sad that he misses out on things with me but he wants to "man" up and work work work so he can start a life for us. I know he has good intentions but Its just hard for me to wrap my mind around that he wont be around a lot. I've talked myself through it and we've had good supportive conversations about it and he;s trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible with it. I just know that we wont be able to see eachother a lot and he wont have his phone most of the time because he's working so if I ever want to talk to him or I am upset or anything he wont be there for me to just call.....Im going to have to wait until he's available to talk. Any advice?? I know he's given me as much as advice and support as he can but I would love to hear any ideas anyone has that would make this time apart easier!

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