Saturday, July 16, 2011

My 6 month old has me up in the night every 2 hours HELP?

My baby use to sleep from 7pm until 1am, have a bottle at 1am then sleep until 7am which was not bad at all. Now for the past 2 weeks he's been waking up every 2 hours. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of. His usual bedtime is 7.30pm so I've tried putting him to bed a bit later, I've bathed him before bed every night with lavender oils, I've tried to feed him up as much in the day as I can. I've tried to keep him active as much as I can during the day, I even bought a baby bouncer jumperoo to see if that would tire him out, he uses that A LOT and is sooo active but still wakes up during the night. I've taken him for walks just before bed. I've put him on hungry milk, I've put him on goodnight milk. He barely even naps in the day and if he does its for like 10-20 minutes at a time, he just has sooo much energy!! It seems like when he does wake up in the night that he's not even hungry, he will just have 1oz of milk then go back to sleep, but will not go back to sleep until he's had that 1oz. He spits him dummy out and refuses to have that instead of milk. The room temperature's right for him and everything, his diet is fine, he has a rusk and milk before bed to ensure he's settled and full. I just don't no what to do anymore. I' am completely destroyed, and there's never a break for me as my partner works a lot and its difficult to get a babysitter. PLEASE HELP? I will appreciate and take any ideas on bored! Thank you :)

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